ever ride one of those when you were a kid? always fun, right? although you had to have some kind of friend who was relatively close to your weight, if you wanted it to be fair. or your parents could just help you out and pretend that your little 50 pound body could actually make their 140 pound figure go up. i feel like that is what work is like. only it's like work always seems to weigh me down. on the other side, is my personal life/time. and lately that personal life weighed more than work. and now that work side is weighing me down. so i got a call saying that they need help with this proposal but they need me to work late today, part of the weekend remotely, and then on monday and tuesday. excuse me? yes, i wrote that correctly. late on a friday night. when i had all frickin week free. oh, i understand, mr. employer, that that is part of my job description. i believe the exact words are "employee should be at the beckon call of employees who are at a higher level than said employee". well, i've been the last man on the totem pole for over 2 years now. no room for moving up. no raise...yes, there was a decrease. i'm sorry, did i skip this clause in my contract? did they warn me that i would be making less money than i was 2 years ago? as i watch my peers at other companies get raises and actually go somewhere with thier careers, i'm sitting here, waiting for that beckon call to come rushing into the office on a friday night to put together powerpoint presentations. need i say more about this job?
ok, so i'm a whiner. i don't deny that. but i'm sure there are more useful things i can do with my time (even if it is for less money)...like volunteer...take a pottery class...paint my condo...pick my butt...pick my nose...water my plants...(oops, forgot to do that this week. hang on..ok, i'm back..where was i?)...so what i'm saying is...i'm bascially wasting my life away right now. right. can i make that any clearer? i'm sitting here watching elimidate. does that tell you anything? it's total white trash. granted my friend was actually on this show, and she is not trashy. ergo, she was voted off first. but this episode was actually shot in chicago, so that's kinda cool, i guess...where do they get these people?? they're dancing in broad daylight at this place called melvin B's, being outright stared at by complete strangers.stalkers even..where the heck is melvin b's?? whatever.
so ryan on the bachelorette is still one of the hottest guys on tv. can i say that enough? .so.cute. and .just.him. *sigh*