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Wednesday, January 15, 2003


yeah, so i added one new pic to the left side over there. and here's another one for all of you who needed a little pick me up.


i need to think of something to do with all these pictures of the j man...maybe i need to make some kind of scrapbook or something...riigghht. it'll probably just end up in some basket with some other magazines that i can't bear to throw out. that's the pack rat in me.

so i'm watching that movie, bounce, now. it's lonely watching movies by myself. but at least it's in the comfort of my own home. i had wanted to watch this with archie, but apparently it didn't get very good reviews.

i went back to the suburbs today. had some mail to pick up and then met up with nors at champs in oak brook. we always seem to meet there whenever one of us needs to talk. afterwards, we kept trying to think of a cafe or a starbucks in the oak brook area. there doesn't seem to be much available. it's amazing especially since that area is chock full of shishifoofoo people who would probably love to chill at a cafe. and there's a plethora of businesses around that area also. it's wierd too because everywhere else in the city and in the burbs, there's a starbucks at every other corner.

i'm going to see if i can get back into reading a lot again. this tv thing just sucks everything out of you. and it fills your mind with useless facts. and time seems to fly by. so you end up wasting your whole day with your eyes glued to that little (well, big, in our case) box in the corner of the room. i think i just have this love/hate relationship with it. i love it because i love being entertained. and this is entertainment in it's purest form. actually, i take that back. movies in movie theaters are more pure entertainment. but i digress. there are a ton of other things i could be doing with my life, especially since i don't really have to work. i could volunteer. didn't i say that i wanted to do that more, but i couldn't because i didn't have any time? sticking to goals is probably my weakest trait. i admit it. it's probably mostly because i have so many things in my head and so many things i want to do, that i end up starting some things and then move on to the next thing while i'm thinking of it.

time to watch the movie...

btw- for those of you who have seen the cover of this rolling stone in person....can i just say...HELLO! have you ever seen bluer eyes than those beauties?! *sigh*


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