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Sunday, May 04, 2008


i normally don't get homesick too much. but now i am. major homesickness has set in.

i miss archie more than i thought i would.

i miss gus as much as i thought i would.

i miss my regular routine at home.

don't get mr wrong. i love exploring here. learning new things. trying new things. but there's only so much 'that's wierd,' i can take. it may not happen all the time, but enough. today was a nice day on my own. but i also think it's my last day on my own. we leave early saturday morning, and i'm not expecting to sleep much that night, as we have to leave our hotel around 4:30am to catch our 7am flight.

i'm crossing my fingers that we're not delayed here, or in narita.

i just want to get home to my boys.

this is why i don't think i can survive 2 weeks or a month away from archie in june. we have to start work in london on the same day. otherwise, i don't be functioning.

man, when did i become such a needy moe-foe???!