i'm back!
i know, i must have been sitting on the edge of your seat every time you typed in my url, in hopes that i would actually have created a new entry in this thing.
don't lie. i know that's what happened.
it's been a while, but with work taking up most of my time this past month, i don't feel like looking at a computer screen for too long when i get home. so thanks to those of you who have checked up on me! but if you stop by, then why don't you leave a shout out?
so...what's new...i think i'm done working extended hours. i won't say crazy hours, because we all know that nothing can beat the hours worked during the summer of 2002.
we've gone snowboarding 2 times since i last wrote. once at grante peak and once at chestnut mountain.
i bought the new ipod pink of course! i'm one of those crazy ones who bought it an hour after it went on sale at the apple store. however, i failed to think that i should buy more of them and sell them on ebay now. how dumb am i? the apprentice would never pick me.
the 5 year anniversary was celebrated. woohoo!
not much else has happened. i can't believe it's march already. where does the time go?
anyone want to run the shamrock shuffle with me? i've been slacking in the training dept, but i can't back out now because i already paid and received my bib number....hrm...
blah...back to work.