i had almost forgotten how much i enjoy watching john mayer perform live. not that i've actually seen him live in about a year. but i'm watching his performance on soundstage right now on tivo, and i so completely enjoy watching him perform. i was at this taping of soundstage, about a year ago, with melody. good times. i just checked the tivo time, and we're already 40 minutes into this, and it seems like it's only been 15. i can't wait until the john mayer trio comes to chicago in sept. hopefully i will be lucky enough to actually get tickets. please, oh please...let me get tickets...
got some stuff done for the wedding: registering. even though it took forever, and there were many "discussions" about what we did and didn't need. i'm relieved that it's mostly out of the way. i'm going to do some fine tuning over the week, to make sure we have everything covered. i keep thinking maybe we forgot to get enough serving dishes. but i can't look at it anymore tonight. we were overloaded all day today.
ran the scheduled 5 miles this morning. my legs were defo fatigued, so i think i might take tomorrow off. if i do anything, i'll lift some weights and do my leg exercises. 1 surprise this morning was we ran into jho on the lakefront path! i think it's almost been 5 years since we've seen each other. i have to remember to check my hotmail acct and email her back...hi jho!
hopefully this will be the 1st weekend we get all of our tasks done...
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