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Wednesday, June 29, 2005


ever have one of those coworkers who is so completely annoying, consistently EVERY FUCKING DAY?

i work with someone on my project who seems to like passing the buck. asks me to follow up in issues she finds, when she could very easily email the very same people herself to get the answer. then if i don't answer her within 1 day, she will call me to follow up on her email follow up...for example...

we had a live dial test yesterday and during our data consistency checks, she found a 'potential' issue. she asks me about it verbally, then mentions she would like me to follow up with the business side and data services side to see if this will be an issue in our next release. i ask her to make a ticket so our PM will be aware. the ticket is made so all parties are aware.

this morning she emails me asking me if i've figured it out yet, if i've determined if it's an issue or not. first of all - it's not my call. the ticket has been made and the interested parties are aware. second of all - if you're so concerned about it, why don't you email these people yourself?! i know you're technically a 'dev' person, but this project is different than any other project in this company. you've spoken with all these people before so why are you so hesitant to bring up this issue?? and why are you asking me about it? why are you not asking the PM, who is supposed to handle this stuff?

that's not the end of it.

THEN, she calls me about it. 'hey, did you get my email? did you get a chance to follow up?' blahblahblah. so i looked at the live dial data again to make sure i know exactly what the issue is..then i write an email to the interested parties asking them what they think. at the same time, i got an email from my PM and a response from the business contact pretty much determining that this is a non-issue for our next release - that it's not that big of a deal, and we shouldn't waste our time testing another version. well, of course i didn't read these emails until after i send my email. (are you still with me?)

so in the end, the issue was resolved, our PM did follow up, and i end up looking like a dumb-ass since i didn't read those emails earlier...all because i was asked to follow up on it TWICE, from someone who shouldn't be asking me to clear up HER issues. WHY THE FUCK AM I DOING DOUBLE WORK?? there is absolutely no reason for me to get involved at that point, since others are clearing it up themselves! she clearly doesn't know the right process for our project and gets too many people involved, doing unnecessary work. ALL THE FUCKING TIME.

am i being too dramatic? maybe. but this shit happens all the time with her. she'll ask me to follow up on stuff she could clear up herself. another issue i've had is, i'll ask her a question and her responses are so roundabout, and completely confuse me and anyone else who's interested in the answer. i know i'm not alone because a few people on the business side have made a few comments about it. this is really driving me bonkers.

so shame on me for falling into the trap of thinking that it's my responsibility...i won't let it happen again. at least i hope i don't.

i think the only thing i can do now, is make sure i'm on top of my game and try to understand everything she does, so that i can answer my own questions and not have to ask her.


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