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Thursday, July 07, 2005


so here's the debate. i get really irritated when co-workers use "thx", instead of "thanks". we're not writing and passing notes to each other people; this is not high school or junior high. i just think it makes people look ridiculous and unprofessional. have you taken an english class? if so, then use proper english. how hard can it be??

beauty and the geek season finale last night. it was beautiful. absolutely fabulous show. i love how they call it an experiment too. that's how they described it and that's how it ended. i admit, i teared up a little towards the end when they were teaching each other about themselves. it was like we were watching thru a peep hole, as they were sharing their talents and getting to know each other better. i highly doubt the next season will be this good. the rest of the seasons will involve more 'acting' or 'playing to the camera'. the 1st seasons of these shows are always the best. (ie: apprentice, real world, road rules)

dancing with the stars finale...this too, was beautiful. i love this show! although i do think j.peterman was robbed, but still...good show. and the prize is only the trophy and bragging rights, so who cares? i think peterman was angry though. this was defo entertaining, and hopefully the upcoming seasons will be just as entertaining... i thought kelly made a few mistakes, so i was defo surprised when they got straight 10s. but she still improved 110% from the 1st show.

the london bombings is a reminder to all of us to be thankful for each day we have. yeah, it's easy to get lost in the hustle and bustle of everyday life, but really, i'm glad i'm able to live each day. i lead a pretty charmed life (and hopefully i didn't just jinx myself. ), and am thankful for everything and everyone that/who i have. waking up today was eerily like 9/11. i was in cozumel during 9/11, so didn't get the feeling 1st hand, but i remember watching cnn, trying to absorb all the information...ugh.

back to work...


At 7/08/2005 03:41:00 PM, Blogger Jake said...

Dancing with the Stars was awesome, but Kelly Monaco was a travesty! OK, I get it, she's hot, but she was pretty bad. If I noticed several big mistakes, how did she get 10s? I think the whole thing was rigged, actually.

Sadly, we missed Beauty and the Geek and didn't tivo it, but I think they're reshowing it this weekend. If this came around a couple years ago I would have made an awesome geek.

ok thx l8r.


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