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Friday, April 25, 2003


so i'm still alive. aren't you glad? however, i'm also not in a lot of pain. it's just annoying having gauze in my mouth the whole time. is this the calm before the storm? will i be in unbearable pain tomorrow or sunday? i hope not. i don't think i can take it.

i was thinking about this this morning in the shower. why do they call those teeth 'wisdom teeth'? do you become dumb when they're taken out? or do you realize you're dumb after you get them out because you did agree to have them pulled? well now, just call me wisdomless.

i was very out of it this morning. very nervous. the doctor tried to calm me down and the nurse too. they were so nice to me. they could tell i was nervous because i wasn't talking. and maybe i had that poor look on my face. but they just patted my arm and said, 'you'll be fine.' and i think i actually believed them. so they put this gas thing on my nose and told me it was oxygen and nitrous oxide, to help take the edge off, i think. when the nitrous oxide kicked in, the doc put the IV in. i hate feeling that needle in my vein. anyways, i don't think it took long after that for me to doze off. the nice doctor kept talking to me, asking me to tell him what's new with me, and also started telling me stories too, just keeping my mind off everything, and waiting for me to get knocked out. so i slept. and then woke up to something going on in my mouth. the doc said 'you waking up, myra?'. i think i tried to nod my head or open my eyes. it's all a blur, i was so out of it. they let me sit there for a while, and then i started freezing. but i couldn't say anything. i probably sat there for 5 or 10 minutes. then they asked me to get up and go to this other room and sit down. i think i nurse came in and asked me for my insurance card so that archie could go get my prescriptions. either the nurse or archie looked through my wallet. so i sat in that chair for a while. i could hear the doctor telling archie how to take care of me. and then they said i could go, and archie told me to get up and we were leaving. i barely remember walking out of the office, and i think i may have tripped. the office workers were probably all 'damn those drugs worked on her!' they told archie to walk behind me, since i was drugged up the waaazoo. on the way home, archie stopped by mcd's to get me a vanilla milkshake. when we got home, he made me eat it and then take my medicine. 1 pain killer and 2 of my antibiotics. but i'm still confused on why i don't feel more pain or anything. i'm just going to try to keep my mouth from moving too much, so i don't disturb the stitches.

so i didn't die! can you believe it! how in the world did that happen? i looked in the mirror and the tooth that i thought was a wisdom tooth, apparently wasn't it because it's still in my mouth. i forgot to ask the doctor if i could have my teeth to take home. and god knows i had no clue what was going on when i left that office. so i guess my teeth were impacted? i suppose. at least i know what the hell that means now. so did the doctor really operate on me?? i won't know unless i see those teeth...

tv watching is pretty sad. surfing the internet is boring. what the heck am i going to do this weekend?

the one perk of being sick with a GI virus one week and getting my teeth pulled the next week, is maybe i'll finally be able to lose those last 10 pounds i've wanted to lose. i will cross my fingers for that miracle.

unfortunately i went shopping at express this week. (i had to. the fucking hotel irom burned 2 holes through my perfectly good, perfect white shirt!) and while i was only supposed to be getting 1 work shirt, i found this amazing black dress. i wish i could find a picture of it online, but god knows the expressfashion website sucks ass. (hrm, god and ass in the same sentence? that can't be good). anyways, this dress was fab and it actually fit me amazingly well! i'm telling you, being sick does wonders! so i just had to buy it. credit card gods, forgive me, for i know not what i do. i promise, i won't buy any more clothes that aren't absolutely necessary or a can't-refuse deal. (help!)


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