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Wednesday, January 11, 2006


work has finally slowed down and i'm stuck this week writing test cases for our next quarter release. this has got to be the boring-est thing to do. yet, it's so damn important, otherwise, we'll end up with another hellish december type month.

at least i'm trying to better my organizing/task management skills. that doesn't mean that i'm getting better. it just means i'm working on it. and i've realized that i need A LOT of work on it...

i'm going to see memoirs of a geisha tonight. woohoo! i just finished reading the book a 2nd time, and i loved it. i know i'll be disappointed in the movie, since people who loved the book hated the movie; so i have to remember to keep an open mind and take the movie for what it is: not a complete interpretation of the book, i'm sure, but maybe just a good movie. i hear the colors are so visually stimulating, so i'm excited about that...

yesterday at work, they had a employee promotion/recognition reception...it was basically a thing where the people who were promoted were an audience for the people who were 'recognized' by our company. by 'recognized' i mean, people who got bonuses for being excellent employees in 2005. i know it was meant to be a special thing for people who were promoted too, but it just felt like we were merely invited to act as an audience, since they couldn't afford to invite the whole company. can you feel the cynicism in my words? is cynicism even a word? anyways, i tried to enjoy and be happy for the people who were recognized, because they defo did a good job (well, most of them, not ALL of them...ahem). but it just felt wierd. i didn't feel like we were really needed there...

anyways, so that's how it's been. don't get me wrong, i'm grateful that i was promoted, but to see someone up there who you've worked with for a while, be recognized by people who don't really work closely with her, when you fully know that they're not as "great" as the higherups think they are....well, excuse me for being bitter. i think it's time to move on.

ok, break over. back to work...


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