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Tuesday, November 26, 2002


i normally wouldn't admit to my fashion faux pas(s) in a public forum, but since no one reads this, i don't care. i'm wearing this camel/pink based outfit (those of you who see me at work know which one i'm talking about). it's this camel/pink based skirt, with this pink mock sleeveless turtleneck, and a camel colored sweater jacket. i usually only wear this in the summer/fall since i only used to have these strappy camel shoes to wear with them. but i just made my first camel boot purchase, so i decided to try it out. it looked ok at home, when i put on the skirt and put on the right shoe. but this morning when i put the whole outfit on, i realized one thing. these boots make my feet look like big bird's feet. my ankles are relatively small (compared to my big ass olympia calves), and these boots are the slip on kind that go all the way up to my knees, but have no zipper becaues it's just supposed to slide on...well...i think these boots are only supposed to be worn with pants, so that the ankle part is covered. with a skirt, it's a whole nother story. and i think i read this one too late. oh well...so now i'm stuck sitting at my table in the conference room, too afraid to get up and pick up my printouts and go to the bathroom. i have to minimize my walks around so i don't draw too much attention here...but shhh, don't tell anyone about this faux pas...will never happen again...the secret now is to look confident, so no one will doubt this boot/outfit matching. that seems to be the key to life lately: just look and act confident and you'll get some game.

an example of the last sentence. i know of this girl who is obesely overweight. she's a friend of a friend of a friend (why does that always happen to me?). this girl is seriously like over 300 pounds. i'm not kidding. but apparantly, she's got game and bags all these hot guys. the key? she's a law student and carries herself with so much confidence, guys can't seem to resist her. now i know what you're thinking to yourself..."she's a friend of a friend of a friend??...how real is this story?" but i shit you not. this
girl's got game because of her confidence. so the word of advice my faithful readers (there's only like 1 of you out there), if you act like you have confidence, you will convince everone else that you're the shit. i need to remember that the next time my little insecurities sneak up on me..

and i know some people read this besides marcel, so doesn't anyone give a shout out?! do you people want me to beg or something? well, i won't. i am confident someone out there will eventually click on that little shout.out button and actually shout out.



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