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Friday, February 21, 2003


there are many things going on in the world right now that are amazing. almost impossible to believe it's actually happening. that girl jessica who received the wrong heart and lung during her transplant surgery? i don't really know the complete story, but after reading the beginning of the cnn article, how does this happen? i mean mistakes happen, but this is a little more than a mistake. but the hospital must be in a ton of shit now. brutal.

and other thing that's almost impossible to believe. this couple from chicago (i'm embarrassed to be from the same city) is sueing some movie theaters for showing commercial ads before the previews at movie theaters...excuse me? yes, that's right, they're sueing movie theaters! can you believe it? i guess you can because americans are known for overusing their right to sue. overusing doesn't seem to be the right word. i just tried to atomica that word, but there didn't seem to be any synonyms for it. odd. anyways, don't these people have better things to do with their lives than sue movie theaters for taking up 3-4 minutes of their time? i mean, in the grand sceme of things, what is 3-4 minutes? if they don't like it, why don't they just come late to the movie? and if they want to get a good seat, why don't they just fake sleep through that? why oh why are these people wasting their money for 3-4 measly minutes? why don't they take the money and actually put it to good use. donate it to some charity. give that money to kids in the ghetto who can't afford a movie ticket. i'm sure they'd appreciate those movie commercials, since they're not lucky enough to afford a piece of entertainment like that. brutal waste of time.

and can anyone really believe the airing out of the last bachelor's relationship? that was painful to watch. seriously. i mean, it must be so embarrassing. but then you have to wonder why they agreed to this special? for the money? possibly. maybe helene wanted to do it because she's still so angry at aaron. who knows. but i felt guilty watching it. like i was some voyeur being let in on their relationship. brutal tv relationships.

on a tangent. ryan, charlie, and trista looked adorable. she seriously couldn't do better than those two. but what do i know? our perceptions of them are soley based on those powerful people called the editors. has anyone really realized the power these people have? they can manipulate the audience to feel the way they want us to feel. they must take some psych class before they're given the job of 'editor'. or maybe most of them are former psych students who decided they wanted to get into the entertainment industry, because it was more exciting. that would be interesting poll to take. and i betcha a lot of them majored in psych. but i digress...

that 'are you hot' show? i'm embarrassed to admit that i watched it last night. first of all, that music has got to go. how annoying, hearing that drumbeat in the background while each contestant comes out. and every time lorenzo says "hi insertnamehere", in that comeon voice, it makes me want to puke. "i've got a burrito down there and it's almost ready??" what?? if you saw the show, you know what i'm talking about...why do i subject myself to this kind of ruthless television? because i was in my hotel room last night, just finished watching the bachelor special, and looking for more ways to torture myself. last night's shows were worse than brutal. there isn't even a word that fully describes my feelings about it. and i won't even get into the complex that teenage girls are forming right now just by watching the commercials on it. is this what american tv is coming to? and is this what everyone wants now? a perfect body? i'll just end it here. have to get some work done before my flight.

have a good weekend everyone! stay away from that brutal television.


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