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Sunday, February 16, 2003


well, i found out friday that i would be traveling again for the next 2 months. where, you may ask? deeetroit. yes, another armpit of america. sorry for all you detroitians out there, but i'm sorry. it's not very exciting. and i haven't heard very good stories from there at all. great. what have i gotten myself into again? who knows. what else is new, right?

so the dentist appt wasn't too bad. i didn't feel a thing. i'm not even sure she used a needle, but archie said she did. she put the topical anesthetic on first with a q-tip. waited a little while. then put more anesthetic on...she was rubbing some gel on my gums and archie said that's when she probably stuck me with the needle. i suppose it's better that i don't know. but i was warned twice that when i go back and get my bottom cavities filled, it will hurt like a bitch. so i'm dreading that appointment. but i suppose i have to get it over with sooner or later. whatever. i now have to call the oral surgeon back and reschedule my first appt of doom. i was supposed to go this thursday, but now that i'll be out of town, i have to prolong this agony. ugh. anyways, i was numbed up pretty good. but then 2 hours later...WHAM. it hit me like a brick, and even though i took some advil, like the good doctor suggested, it hurt like a mofoe. i took another advil before the suggested 4 hour time period, and it still hurt like hell. i just wanted to pass out. i realized later that i just needed to sleep it off. but i had to pick up archie at the airport first. i had him drive us home for fear of passing out. and just like i thought, i sank into a deep, deep sleep. archie and jeff were talking so loud (you know how boys can be), but i didn't hear a thing. dream a little dream.

we were both so hungry, and our reservations weren't until 9:45PM. so we snacked a little before heading out to tsunami. good food. too bad i almost fell asleep through it. nono, he wasn't boring me. i was just exhausted. i'm not used to waking up early anymore and staying up late. so ti-red i was. but we made it through a very nice dinner. we don't usually celebrate black valentine's day, since it's so close to the real anniversary, but since we have both traveled a lot this past year, we may as well go somewhere nice.

i feel like i've had some bad pms lately. just in a pissy mood. i don't know what's wrong with me either. it's not like it's that time of the month. i mean, it's almost done. the pms period is supposed to come before...whatever.

i finally got around to burning those cds that i've wanted. i don't really know how to label them either. they're just a big melting pot of old school, recent, hip-hop, mix, pop music. just some good ol stuff all stuck on 1 cd. i hope i'm happy with them later...

i hope i get all this work stuff figured out before i leave on tuesday. i have some admin problems that are just a pain in the butt to deal with. admin work is the real bitch of work.

i'm just all over the place with this post. hopefully i'll be more focused later...


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