
Daisypath PicDaisypath Ticker

Monday, September 10, 2007


so since i never seem to have enough time lately for long posts (except that mtv one, since i was typing as i was watching), i'm just going to mix it up here, post a pic from christine/coco's wedding and 1 story to go along with it...

let me preface this by saying i was a hot mess that night. seriously. so bad that i don't really remember what happened after we left the ballroom and made our way upstairs. next thing i knew, i was waking up from what seemed like death; such a deep sleep. my first thought was, 'omg, rum is the devil.' and i had no clue if my contacts were in my eyes or not. i had to keep squinting at the wall across the room and trying to focus on things. he woke up and asked, 'what are you doing?' i responded with 'trying to see if my contacts are in my eyes or if i lost them.' he says, 'i made you take them out, don't you remember??!'

uhm, sure.

here's a pic from the slightly more memorable moments of the night. g, chris and i seem to always have a bootay battle at every wedding we go to...so of course we start it here, and the other girls wanted in, into the booootay club. some things to take note:

: the bride is oblivious in the background, just waivin her arms. classic christine.
: obviously not a flattering pic of me. this is probably when the 'bacardi superior' peaked in my blood stream.

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