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Wednesday, September 26, 2007


i have a lot of things to be thankful for in my life. we have a home. all the bare necessities (and then some). a fabulously spoiled, yet good natured dog. a lot of good friends (and that doesn't come easily). family. and 1 of the things i've been grateful for lately is my friends' twin girls came home this past month, after spending 3 months in NICU. they were born 16 weeks too early; but with all our praying and good thoughts, they came home in early september. we watched a video of the girls coming home, and of course i had tears in my eyes. i remember when we were all scared...scared when she started feeling wierd pains, scared when she called her doc and the doc said to go to the hospital...scared when we didn't hear anything for hours...and scared when we finally did hear news that she delivered the girls at 24 weeks. 24 weeks. and that's when the praying began...i made a point to go to mass every weekend, because if i went to church religiously, then the girls would have to be ok, right? thankfully god decided it was best to keep the girls here with her parents...so just watching that video made me feel so thankful. they're mostly out of the woods, but still will probably face some challenges ahead...and i will be sending them good vibes for the rest of their lives...

oh, another thing to be thankful for: brian griese was named QB for the bears this sunday! say it with me now, THANK GOD. i hope this gives the bears a chance...


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