
Daisypath PicDaisypath Ticker

Tuesday, April 18, 2006


i got a ticket in the mail today. for what, you ask? for a red light violation. they caught me on film going thru the light at fullerton/damen/elston, eastbound, and then sent me the bill with 3 pictures. 1 just a .5 second before the violation, the actual violation, and then a zoomed in pic of the license plate. clearly, i can't contest. the only thing i can contest is that i don't think it was me. you can kinda make out the shape of a head above the seat; and i'm not that tall. it was probably archie, but i think we were on our way to ballys that morning...or maybe it was just 1 of us. i can't remember, since it was a month ago. but that's another 90 bones that i'm out because of something stuuuuuu-piiiiid.

so watch out chicago drivers. you may not think anyone sees you breaking the law, but big brother's out there.



At 4/20/2006 10:34:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I resent that accusation.

At 4/20/2006 02:38:00 PM, Blogger myra said...

you're stuuuuu-piiiiiid.

how can you be 'anonymous' when it's obvious who it is!


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