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Tuesday, March 25, 2003

.hello? is.this.thing.on?

i've been randomly posting insignificant ramblings. well, what else is new you say? not much, i guess, it's just now i really don't have time to write anything down. there will be times when i'm testing, and i think of some tangent or i start wondering about something that i must have been thinking of in my sleep or in the shower. that's when we decided today to go makeup shopping tomorrow. since we don't get any photosynthesis up in here, we must attempt to look like we do. let me introduce benetint by benefit. i hear they make a mean gel blush thingy that you just brush on your cheeks or wherever you need that extra cherry complexion. makes you look like you just worked out. i'm all for that. i've been just a big lump the past week. i will have to catch up this weekend, for sure. maybe not 2 group workouts in a row, but defo 2 times this weekend.

so now that i actually have some time to write about the birds and the bees and this wonderful spring weather, i can't think of a darned thing to say. say wha? that's right, i'm speechless. what the frick was i thinking about today?

i miss my american idol. i missed kelly clarkson last week. damn. why oh why must i work for a living?

so since i haven't been updating this thing regularly, i'm surprised i've been getting a decent amount of traffic going through here. i'm sure people were just perusing the internet and somehow found this site. you know...the usual search for pictures of frenchie and her boobies usually leads the searcher here...but to the regulars (bob, marcel, marcel, & marcel) here's a big shout out...woohoo!

it's almost 1AM...what the hell am i doing writing?! i'm outtie.


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